Glass watering bulbs
Large Phlebodium 'Blue Star Fern' in your choice of pot with care card
Dracaena Surculosa 'Gold Dust' with your choice of pot and care label
Gymnocalcium mihanovichii variegata 'Moon Cactus' in a plastic pot with saucer
Coffea Arabica 'Coffee Plant' in coffee pot of your choice with care card
Chamaedorea Elegens 'Parlour palm' in your choice of pot with handmade care card
Peperomia Caperata Rosso in your choice of pot with handmade care label
Tillandsia Usenioides 'Spanish Moss' Air plant' with det
Scindapsus pictus "Satin Pothos'' in your choice of pot with handmade ca
Orangutan Plant Animal decoration
Frog Plant Animal decoration
Bush Baby Plant Animal decoration
Sloth Plant Animal decoration
Pooley Ceramic Bud Vase - Serenity
Chive Pooley Ceramic Bud Vase -Cobalt
Pooley Ceramic Bud Vase - Charteuse
Pooley Ceramic Bud Vase from Chive - Moss
Ceramic blue flower
Chive Ceramic Flower-Pink
Tillandsia Ionantha 'Air plant' hoop hanging
Philodendron 'Pink Princess'
For Peat's Sake Eco Coir Compost
Syngonium 'Pixie' in ceramic pot with handmade care label
Senecio Curio 'Mount Everest' in your choice of pot with care label